Content Creation That Generates Free Mortgage Leads Post #465

Mortgage Leads Can Generate More Business With High-Quality Content Creation.

Updated 10/12/2023

Exclusive mortgage leads provide an opportunity for loan originators to make more money.

However, free mortgage leads enable brokers and lenders to earn a higher return on each closed home loan.

Mobile Copywriter explores the best content creation methods that generate free mortgage leads for loan originators.

Are Mortgage Leads Really Free?

Yes! It’s possible to generate free mortgage leads.

Although, some initial efforts are needed upfront to avoid an ongoing outlay of cash.

Free mortgage leads can stem from relationships that a loan officer builds with referral partners, such as real estate agents, home builders, accountants, financial planners, credit improvement services and home improvement companies.

High-quality article writing services can create mortgage content that drives organic traffic or free Internet leads to a search engine optimized website. 

Building Trust to Generate Free Mortgage Leads

Mortgage professionals rarely receive multiple leads during an initial encounter with a new referral source, as the prospect may already have outlets for placing easy loan files and outlets for submitting challenging mortgage applications.    

To attract business from referral sources, a loan officer has to determine what type of financing is routinely needed for a potential client.

Additionally, the referral source would need to feel confident that a mortgage loan officer can provide adequate funding, attractive rates and the ability to close on time.

Unfortunately, brokers and lenders will rarely attract mortgage leads with just a shiny website.

A lot of high-quality content will be needed to cover information that borrowers are seeking to discover.

When a website has a limited amount of search engine optimized content, paid advertising, retargeting and pay-per click ads are often used to generate leads.

However, the ROI for paid ads will generally be much lower than the earnings from free mortgage leads. 

Prospective borrowers are frequently using Google to locate information about buying a home or refinancing.

As the world’s most authoritative search engine, consumers are aware that Google provides high-quality results for topics, such as real estate, insurance, title information and for mortgage lending.   

Obtaining Mortgage Leads Online

While every website will have some content for visitors to read, most mortgage businesses will not be viewable to prospective borrowers.

Sure, most mortgage websites are indexed to appear within Google’s free search engine results.

But, it’s where the website appears that matters most. 

Here is the logic!

There are plenty of places that a borrower could search for a mortgage loan online.

However, Google is the most trusted resource for obtaining general or important information online.

Therefore, users are fairly confident in the results that Google has selected to appear on the first page of its search engine.

So confident, that it’s easy to believe that the first five out of ten results that are shown on the first page of Google will typically receive the most website traffic.

Appearing on the bottom half of Google’s first page search results is still fairly respectable, as a user might see something that is worth clicking onto.

Having a meta description that partially addresses a user’s search engine query could result in a visit to the website.

When a website appears beyond the first page of Google for top-level mortgage keywords, many opportunities are lost.

Essentially, users trust that Google has placed the best results near the top its first page.

Again, Google’s organic search engine results are free. 

So, appearing within Google’s top results for valuable mortgage keywords and for long-tail keyword phrases is among the best ways to get found online.

Why Create Content for a Mortgage Website?

Imagine visiting a website that displayed limited or outdated content. 

It would create a rather poor user experience.

Almost as bad, is when a visitor lands on a web page to see the same information month-after-month.

Eventually, the user will search online for fresh website content that provides helpful information.

Creating content that users enjoy reading could lead to frequent website visits.

Also, readers might follow a mortgage blog or a newsletter via real simple syndication updates.

An RSS feed is a great way to build engagement with raving fans.

Search engine visibility is also an important reason to create content for a mortgage website.

In fact, competitive mortgage companies who aim to rank at the top of Google to attract mortgage refinance leads, VA IRRRL mortgage leads, exclusive mortgage leads, FHA mortgage leads, reverse mortgage leads, purchase money leads or home buyer leads will hire the best SEO copywriters for content creation.

When a potential borrower begins to shop for a home loan, mortgage lenders and brokers who want to generate local Internet leads must get found online within Google’s top search engine results.

Therefore, content writers with mortgage industry experience are recommended for blog posts, press releases and for web page content that drives more traffic and leads toward a mortgage website.

Writing Blog Posts for a Mortgage Website

Mortgage blog posts are regularly needed to keep prospective borrowers informed with topics, such as local housing issues, national housing issues, benefits of buying a home versus renting, low-rate loan programs, loans for first time home buyers, debt consolidation, advantages of getting a reverse mortgage and ways to improve credit scores.

Additionally, properly crafted blog posts can help readers find a mortgage website online. Using the right keywords, phrases, images and a variety of SEO elements within a weekly blog post can improve the search engine visibility for a mortgage website.

Although, stuffy content and certain types of lengthy prose will cause readers to quickly leave a website. Powerful content writing for a mortgage blog will keep readers engaged and provide a ton of value.

Frequent blog posts provide an excellent way to increase website traffic, to engage with borrowers and to generate free mortgage leads. 

How many words should a blog post contain?

When creating content for a blog post, a writer should add a minimum of 200 words.

Ideally, a blog post should have at least 300 words.

Google ranking factors indicate a preference for blog posts with 200 words or more.

Writing Press Releases for a Mortgage Company

Press releases enable mortgage companies and other small businesses to share newsworthy content with media outlets. 

When a mortgage firm wants to announce the opening of a new location, new products, new services or other important information, a press release is a great vehicle for spreading the word.

Also, a press release offers great opportunities for branding and for attracting local customers. 

We create press releases that mortgage companies can publish on their website, share on social media or send to existing customers via email.

Writing Web Page Content for Free Mortgage Leads

Web page content gives visitors informative details about specific products and services.

When content is written with the reader in mind, a business owner should notice that visitors are staying on the page for longer time frames.

While more content gets absorbed when visitors are on a web page for extended durations, additional benefits may be realized for SEO purposes, too.

Search engines reward websites that keep readers engaged for longer periods than competing sites are able to achieve.

Therefore, writing website content that excites, informs or entertains visitors is important for a company that wants to generate free mortgage leads.

Hire SEO Copywriter

Hire a Copywriter for Content Creation

Whether a web page or a blog post has 300 words, 1,000 words or more than 2,000 words, a reader’s attention must be captured within about eight seconds.

Note: This blog post has more than 2,200 words.

Before reaching a call-to-action that invites the reader to pick up the phone, fill out a contact form or to subscribe to a newsletter, the content must immediately resonate with the reader.

Deciding to hire a copywriter is wise for most mortgage professionals. 

Why Hire a Copywriter?

Because, a lot of details that seem very basic requires some out-of-the-box foresight.

While focused on closing more mortgage loans this month and in the upcoming months, a loan originator should be working on sales activities. 

Calling new leads, following up with borrowers, answering any concerns, reaching out to referral sources, staying up-to-date on new products, participating in industry events and seeking ongoing training are some of the activities that a successful loan officer should routinely perform.

A copywriter might spend more time crafting a title for a blog post than a loan originator takes to write half of the words for a blog post.

Additionally, a copywriter will perform some keyword research to find the best mortgage keywords and the most useful keyword phrases for mortgage SEO strategies.

Since many loan officers are sharing details that are easy to find on any competing website, a blog post might largely go unnoticed amongst 4 million other blog posts that are published every day.

Therefore, a proven content marketing system should be used to determine an ideal way to seamlessly integrate very valuable mortgage keyword phrases into a blog post, a web page or into a press release.

It’s a great idea to hire a copywriter for lead generation support.

Generate Exclusive Mortgage Leads With SEO Copywriting

Mortgage marketing executives and sales managers generally intend to present a strong brand that meets the financing needs for most local consumers.

Although, the ability to spread the word to borrowers in competitive regions is very difficult without search engine optimized website content.

For many years, loan officers have understood the value of exclusive mortgage leads.

Due to the time and the work that’s involved to generate exclusive mortgage leads that are organic (Free Mortgage Leads), Internet marketing companies receive constant inquiries.

However, to get any type of free Internet marketing leads that are exclusive, a unique approach is required.

A content marketing strategy to get mortgage leads online is what separates exclusive mortgage leads from generic Internet leads.

SEO copywriting delivers powerful information that consumers are searching to find on the world’s best search engine — Google!

When a mortgage website is authoritative and provides answers to questions that prospective borrowers are asking, loan originators will be able to generate exclusive mortgage leads much faster.

SEO copywriting is used for generating free mortgage leads from borrowers who respond to call-to-actions that are relevant to specific search engine queries.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing Ideas for Mortgage Lead Generation 

Loan officers and mortgage brokers are constantly competing against other mortgage companies to obtain more business.

Although, lending professionals who maintain a connection with prospective borrowers will win over the long term.

The days of simply spending money to buy mortgage leads online are dwindling. 

Shown below are some of our most powerful content marketing ideas for mortgage lead generation.

  • Consistently adding fresh website content.
  • Posting informative blog content at least one time per week.
  • Linking relevant content to new articles.
  • Sharing helpful content with social media followers.
  • Linking images and videos to written content.
  • Create call to action content that readers will value.
  • Using email to generate leads from targeted prospects.

Focusing on Local Internet Leads

Instead of casting an extremely wide net to search for mortgage leads, brokers and lenders can generate a lot of business from borrowers who are nearby.

With the ability to get found online when a borrower searches for specific keyword phrases, a mortgage website could generate more local Internet leads.

Some borrowers who prefer to work with local lending experts may become repeat customers or send referrals from other prospects with similar goals.

A stronger local presence can help a mortgage company increase its brand awareness within the community, too.

We help mortgage lenders and mortgage brokers generate free Internet leads with compelling copy that gets website visitors to take immediate actions.

Proven Content Creation Methods to Grow a Mortgage Business

In many ways, the mortgage business is similar to other industries.

Customers expect reliable services that are delivered as promised and on time.

However, the timeline from the initial point of contact to a completed transaction is longer than it takes for most industries, such as an auto repair service or for tax preparation services.

Creating content that answers a reader’s search query has proven to engage borrowers more than information that is too complex. 

For instance, most consumers do not want to read content that resembles an auto repair manual or to understand the nuances of the tax code.  

When consumers are satisfied with the search engine results for certain home lending queries, brokers and lenders will be able to grow a mortgage business more efficiently.    

Working with a premier content creation company that is ranked among the best article writing services in the US is an asset for online funnel marketing strategies and for effective mortgage marketing ideas. 

Mobile Copywriter helps mortgage professionals generate free mortgage leads with SEO copywriting and content marketing strategies

We write mortgage content that meets the highest compliance standards. 

Our content gives readers valuable insight that ultimately aims to increase a company’s authority online and to build engagement with website visitors.   

A borrower should not randomly pick a lending professional to handle such a large financial transaction.

Lending professionals should also refuse to work with mortgage content writers who are not experienced within the industry and who are not ranked on the first page of Google.

Contact Mobile Copywriter today about article writing services and search engine optimization strategies to generate more website traffic from targeted prospects.

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Best Mortgage Websites for Brokers and Loan Officers – Post #464

Buying Mortgage Websites Online.

Buying a lead generation website is one of the smartest investments that a commissioned sales representative can make. Instead of splurging for a fancy website that is equipped with flashing elements, unnecessary photos and boring details, loan officers can close more sales with a website that generates targeted leads. Mobile Copywriter builds the best mortgage websites for brokers and loan officers that include search engine optimization features.

Benefits of SEO Mortgage Websites

SEO attributes are used to help search engines understand the details within a mortgage website that are relevant to a user’s search query.

Using the proper on-page SEO elements could enable a mortgage website to get found online faster than competing sites that are not optimized to appear anywhere near the first page of Google.

When a mortgage website is not shown on page one of Google’s search engine results page for popular keywords, free organic traffic will flow to the companies that are reflected on the first page of Google.

SEO is beneficial for website traffic and brand recognition. As free organic website traffic drives targeted borrowers toward a mortgage site, loan officers will have more leads to convert into closed loans.

When a website does not appear within Google’s local SERPs, a paid search engine marketing strategy may be needed to generate pay-per-click leads.

Buy Affordable Mortgage Websites for Lead Generation

A steady supply of mortgage leads is needed to maintain a full pipeline of purchase transactions and refinance deals.

Although, many business owners believe that prospective customers will continuously fill out online requests for financing, after a website is built and launched.

However, the mantra, “if we build it, they will come” is not quite true. Web-based businesses need to understand that traffic is more likely to appear for top-level keyword phrases that are shown on the first page of Google.

Buying a mortgage website that is search engine optimized to grab a larger portion of local leads can significantly improve a company’s bottom line.

Grow Mortgage Business With a Lead Generation Website

Getting a website to generate mortgage leads on autopilot can increase a loan officer’s efficiency. With more time to dedicate toward sales versus prospecting, mortgage professionals can close more loans and earn more money.  

When an upbeat environment exists because mortgage managers are providing loan officers with tools to generate free Internet leads, everyone wins!

Contact Mobile Copywriter about affordable ways to grow a lending business with free mortgage leads.


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Mortgage Blog Writers for Hire in the USA – Post #463

Mortgage Blog Writers For Hire Can Create Lead Generation Content.

Blog writers in the USA provide website visitors with informative content. Whether creating content for mortgage companies or for insurance firms, experienced article writing services can save business owners a lot of time. Ranked among the top mortgage blog writers for hire in the USA, Mobile Copywriter uses proven SEO strategies and high-value keywords to help web-based users find content online.

Why Hire Blog Writers Online?

Businesses of all sizes should frequently engage with existing customers. However, content marketing strategists who want to reach new customers can tap into niche-based audiences to develop more relationships online.

Hiring blog writers to create meaningful content that keeps readers informed or entertained is the best way to connect with a targeted audience.

For instance, a mortgage expert can provide information on her website that informs consumers about getting pre-approved for a home loan or about financing for first-time home buyers.

When a consumer begins to shop online for a home mortgage loan, his answers might be found via a blog that is properly search engine optimized to appear at the top of Google.

A mortgage company that has created original website content can use keywords to help Google and web-based users locate the information online.

Writing content for a blog is fairly easy to perform. Although, to get found online, near the upper portion of Google’s search engine results page for top-level keywords, an experienced blog writer should be hired.

Shown below are some of the things that top blog writing services provide:

  • High-quality content writing
  • HTML
  • Meta descriptions
  • ALT tags
  • Original content
  • Proper grammar
  • External links
  • Internal links
  • Images
  • Image links
  • Image tags
  • Calls to action
  • Optimal keywords
  • SEO subheadings
  • Answers for search query
  • Informative content
  • Proper keyword density
  • Seamless keyword integration
  • Authoritative solutions

Hire USA Bloggers to Increase Website Traffic for Mortgage Companies

Mortgage brokers and mortgage lenders want to get found online within the local search engine results pages for premium keywords. However, page one of Google only has 10 organic (Free) spots. At the moment, paid advertising appears above and below Google’s search engine results pages.  

Hiring trusted mortgage blog writers in the USA to create SEO content that is easy for Google to find will lead to more website traffic than sites that are not search engine optimized.

Consumers rarely click beyond the first page of Google to view additional search engine results. Knowing that Google has already identified three or four of its top 10 results, a consumers is generally able to find the answer for a specific search query.

Therefore, second best will not make the grade.

Use Blog Posts to Generate Mortgage Leads

As cliche as it might sound, content is king! Creating informative blog posts for prospective borrowers to review could lead to an increase in closed mortgage loans.

While the top mortgage lenders in the nation are spending mountains of cash to reach home buyers before the competition does, local mortgage lenders and mortgage brokers can use blog posts to generate mortgage leads.

Whether the goal is to originate reverse mortgage leads, refinancing leads or purchase money leads, mortgage professionals can compete with a winning mortgage marketing strategy.

Creating engaging blog posts and informative website content are proven mortgage marketing methods for generating exclusive mortgage leads.

Hiring a writer for mortgage blog posts is the best way to obtain original content. When a mortgage broker or a lender adds weekly blog posts to a mortgage website, borrowers can learn about new loan programs, certain financing incentives and information about the home buying process.

Contact Mobile Copywriter today to inquire about working with the best content creation firm for the mortgage industry.

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SEO Service Generates Exclusive Mortgage Leads

Exclusive Mortgage Leads


Home buyers are using Google to search for affordable mortgage loans, which presents an outstanding opportunity to generate exclusive mortgage leads.

Brokers and lenders who appear on page one toward the top portion of Google’s search engine results page will receive phone calls before mortgage companies that appear beyond the first page of the SERPs.

With SEO services from Mobile Copywriter, lending professionals can generate exclusive mortgage leads for free.

Why Hire an SEO Service for the Best Exclusive Mortgage Leads?

Exclusive mortgage leads that are purchased online are often very costly.

Many lead generation companies sell purchase money leads and home refinance leads to multiple buyers.

Knowing that four or more mortgage loan officers might be calling the same borrower is discouraging.

Since lead generation companies can always resell a list of names, it is wise to develop an inbound marketing strategy.

When web page content is properly search engine optimized to attract website traffic and targeted results, lending professionals will generate exclusive mortgage leads for free.

Mortgage companies with less than 10 employees often attempt to create content in-house just to save a few dollars each month.

What a huge mistake!

There are national mortgage lenders with enormous advertising budgets that might feature a stagecoach or a rocket on televised commercials to build a connection with borrowers and to increase brand awareness.

Therefore, competitive mortgage companies must implement an aggressive marketing strategy to go up against firms that are approaching a 500 million dollar promotional budget.   

SEO services for a mortgage company can level the playing field.

Forget about the costs!

When a broker or a lender can hire an SEO copywriter to generate the best mortgage leads, it does not matter whether the annual costs are $5,000, $10,000 or $15,000 per year — when the goal is to generate multiple six-figure earnings per year.

Make a decision to stay in the game, not only to exist or to survive, but to dominate local mortgage leads.

Mortgage Marketing Ideas to Generate Exclusive Leads

Pay-per-click ads may be used to generate exclusive leads.

For instance, a broker who places Google ads or Facebook ads can receive inbound leads when a web-based user clicks onto display ads or text-based links.

Paid advertising is a great source for mortgage leads among companies with a marketing budget to sustain long-term promotional campaigns.

Affordable marketing ideas consist of blogging, adding high-quality website content, press releases and social media marketing.

Using a combination of methods to stay in front of prospective borrowers is the best way for brokers and lenders to stay top-of-mind with buyers who are searching online for home loan financing.

Hire SEO Copywriter to Grow Mortgage Business

Closing more loans can lead to greater annual production numbers and higher earnings.

Although, increasing a mortgage company’s loan origination volume is much easier when the sales force has plenty of high-quality leads.

Instead of waiting for the phone to ring, mortgage professionals can hire SEO copywriters to create content that increases website traffic.

We’ll help you generate exclusive mortgage leads in your market areas.

Contact Mobile Copywriter today to inquire about the best digital marketing strategies for mortgage brokers and lenders.

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Hire Copywriting Services USA for SEO Content

Hire SEO Copywriters

Hire Copywriting Services USA To Get Found Online For Mortgage And  Financial Products.

Updated 3/15/2024

SEO content provides a search engine optimized style of writing that increases a website’s visibility online.

The best content writing platforms for business owners aim to increase engagement with website visitors.

Mobile Copywriter offers high-quality support for companies that need call-to-action content and desire to hire copywriting services USA.

Need Articles?

Your competition is using articles, SEO website content, email marketing, press releases and frequent blog posts to keep website visitors informed.

When you are counting on inbound traffic to provide leads for your sales team, be sure to pay for the best content writing services that you can afford versus contacting cheap content writing services.

Thinking About Hiring A Cheap Article Writing Service?

Before hiring a cheap article writing service, you should take the time to learn about content creation.

Once you understand how long it takes to craft content that has lasting value, you will probably want someone else to handle the task.


Because in most cases, you will spend too much time on research, learning SEO and developing a process to consistently create content for your website.  

Additionally, you will know that hiring a cheap article writing service to produce content that is intended to resonate with your core audience is a bad idea.

For starters, article writers who are working for low pay must quickly churn out your content to move onto additional assignments to make a reasonable living.

Get Found Online

Cheap article writing services often outsource a variety of tasks to companies that are based overseas.

It is a huge mistake for business owners who pay thousands of dollars to create a website to expect high-quality content writing from cheap article writers.

When you want to order content writing of 500 to 2,000 words for your blog or website, you typically get what you pay for among writers who are paid $40 or less to produce informative materials that people will read.

Oftentimes, cheap content writing platforms will hurt a website’s branding, traffic and engagement with readers more than it helps.

And, why pay less for article writing services that you will expect to increase online sales for your business or your company’s brand awareness than you might spend on lunch?

Professional content writing costs are an investment that delivers measurable profit levels for small business owners.

Therefore, if you want to build a solid website presence, you are encouraged to avoid hiring cheap article writing services.

SEO Content Marketing To Increase Online Sales.

Why it is Better to Hire Copywriting Services USA?

Working with the best copywriters in the USA will give your business a strategic advantage.

Cheap blog writers and cheap article writing services may pad your content with meaningless details to make more money on a per-word-basis.

However, experienced copywriters strive to create content that thoroughly covers the topic in a manner that is extremely concise.    

Your website visitors will prefer to read about specific details without encountering a ton of fluff.

Remember, your website visitors care very little about what you want to say.

The visitor’s intent is to locate information on your website that answers a specific search query that drove them to your site.

Nearly anyone can write content for a personal website.

Although, income-generating enterprises who want to surpass the top website results on the first page of Google’s search engine should hire a copywriting professional who is also an SEO expert.

Copywriters are assigned creative tasks to help businesses of any size with getting prospective customers to take action.

Content that moves a prospect to call your business or to place an order on your website is more valuable than content that causes visitors to click away from the page.

Therefore, hiring experienced copywriting services will help you reach your goals much faster.

Get Found Online With SEO Content

Search engine optimization strategies that are used toward content creation can help a website get found online faster.

Hire an SEO content writer to outrank local competitors.

While SEO strategists wrestle with A/B testing to determine whether backlinks or content writing is more effective for getting found online, SEO content will always be the long-term winner.

Sure, authoritative links will signal a vote of support from websites with various levels of strength, however, it’s content that largely attracts readers and keeps them engaged on the page.

Among the best ways to get found online is to hire a copywriter with experience in your niche.

Some copywriters specialize in helping small business owners attract more traffic toward an ecommerce website or help companies improve brand awareness.

We are driven to remain the top copywriting service to hire for mortgage companies and insurance firms that desire more website traffic or to get found online.


A record number of businesses that fail to maximize online marketing are closing every year.

Greed, cheap marketing strategies and unproven SEO methods are often to blame.

Making the decision to modestly grow your business online can provide an abundance of high-quality leads and more closed sales.

Hire a SEO content writer or an experienced copywriter to crush the competition.

Contact Mobile Copywriter today for help with the best digital marketing strategies for business owners who want to dominate local website traffic.

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Generate Leads Online: Tips for Mortgage Brokers to Close More Loans – Post #460

Generate Leads Online To Grow Mortgage Business.

Consumers should know that mortgage brokers provide personalized service. An excellent banker will offer great service, too. But, as you are aware, a mortgage broker is compensated for shopping the marketplace to find competitive rates.

When a consumer understands that a bank has a limited amount of products and fewer mortgage interest rates than a broker has to compare, you should never have an empty pipeline. Mobile Copywriter uses the best content marketing strategies and search engine optimization tips for mortgage brokers to generate leads online.

Why Should You Generate Leads Online?

Generate Leads Online With Digital Marketing Strategies.

With a robust digital marketing strategy, you can generate free mortgage leads online. When you begin to receive free Internet leads, your profit per loan will skyrocket.

Many small and mid-sized mortgage brokerage firms will make the mistake of trying to create user-generated materials (their own) to compete against lenders who spend millions of dollars each month to leap over the competition.

Shopping for a mortgage loan is a big deal for borrowers who need money to buy a home or to refinance. While some borrowers might look to Reddit, Facebook or Twitter to ask their social media contacts about getting the best mortgage rates online, most people will perform a Google search to find local lending professionals.

Ranking on Google for high-value keywords in your market area is imperative to closing more loans. You should generate leads online because it’s where the vast majority of your prospective borrowers will begin their search for a home loan.

Are the Best Mortgage Rates From a Bank or a Mortgage Broker?

Best Mortgage Rates From A Bank Or Mortgage Broker?

Bankers use an array of marketing collateral to keep their customers informed, such as brochures, flyers and banner displays within a branch. Even with higher rates than a broker might have to offer, a banker may be able to encourage a borrower to apply for a mortgage loan.

Although, brokers can deliver a ton of value by simply educating consumers about a variety of lending options. The key is to engage and to build trust with prospective borrowers before a banker does.  

It is wise to explain to a borrower that every bank can set its rate for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. However, the consumer must also understand that it could take a considerable amount of time to find and to research hundreds of lenders to locate the best mortgage interest rates online.

Once a consumer understands how difficult it is to view every available loan option, your job as a mortgage broker is to eliminate the consumer’s pain points. In fact, when a consumer knows that most bankers are issuing retail rates and that you are shopping nationwide to obtain the best wholesale rates for their needs, you will generate more leads and close more mortgage loans online.

Grow Mortgage Business With Inbound Leads

Grow Mortgage Business With Free Inbound Leads.

As your brand and your influence grows online, you can attract more borrowers toward your mortgage website. Using the best digital marketing strategies for mortgage brokers, you can generate free Internet leads.

When borrowers are looking for home loans on Google, mortgage websites that are properly search engine optimized will generate the most local Internet leads.

SEO mortgage marketing strategies are ideal for growing a lending business that dominates local competitors.

Working with SEO copywriters who improve search engine rankings online is the surest path to get found on Google. As targeted website traffic increases for your business, you will get more inbound mortgage leads.

Contact Mobile Copywriter today for mortgage marketing ideas to take your company to the next level.

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3 Ways to Quickly Generate Free Mortgage Leads

Generate Free Mortgage Leads


Generate free mortgage leads to close more home loans.

Fresh mortgage leads create excitement for hungry loan officers.

Getting a daily supply of highly targeted mortgage leads could prevent you from cherry-picking through aged contacts.

Digital marketing strategies offer excellent ways to generate free mortgage leads online.

With a proven marketing system, you can obtain an abundance of prospects to contact.

How to Generate Mortgage Leads Free?

Let’s explore ways to generate mortgage loan leads without paying for a poor list of names.

As a mortgage broker, loan officer or a lender, you need a steady supply of mortgage Internet leads.

Whether you want to generate purchase leads or refinance leads, these 3 methods can help:

  1. Engage with borrowers before they’re shopping for a home mortgage loan.
  2. Build your brand to stay top-of-mind with your audience.
  3. Use content marketing strategies to drive traffic toward your website.

Create SEO Content for Your Mortgage Website

Visibility is the fastest path toward writing and closing more mortgage loans.

However, you must have a way for prospective borrowers to find you online.

Mortgage businesses that generate a ton of free Internet leads are easy to discover on Google via targeted keyword phrases.

To get found online in the local search results, your website must be optimized to attract borrowers who are searching for mortgage services in your area.

Creating search engine optimized content for your website can improve your site’s ranking on Google.

With SEO content on your website, you will be able to generate free mortgage leads faster than your competitors who are not using the best SEO strategies to get found online.

Building your mortgage lead generation strategy with SEO content is the surest path toward greater visibility online and a consistent supply of new customers.

Free Mortgage Leads – FHA, Conventional and VA Loans

You can generate free mortgage leads for all types of home loans.

Using content marketing strategies to reach more borrowers could help you build your business.

Whether you specialize in FHA mortgage loans or VA mortgage loans, it’s imperative to get the

word out to prospective borrowers and to your referral partners.

Consistent marketing messages will help you generate free mortgage leads.

Write Engaging Content for Your Mortgage Blog Every Week

According to the Social Media Examiner website, Internet users average four hours per day online, read approximately 10 blogs per day and spend about 25 percent of their web-based time on blogs and social media networks.

Amplifying your reach is a lot easier with weekly blog posts.

Google uses robots to constantly scan the World Wide Web for authoritative pieces of content, which relate to search phrases that web-based users are eager to find.

Weekly blog posts also increases your opportunity to generate free mortgage leads online.

Ideally, you should aim to consistently inform or to entertain your blog readers.

The mortgage lenders and brokers with record-breaking origination volumes are typically posting engaging content on a daily basis.

Mortgage professionals who are not submitting a regular supply of content for a blog or a website will notice less online traffic from new visitors, and they are less likely to generate free Internet leads.

The reason is very simple!

Google provides the best search results that are available for its users.

Mortgage companies that create a website or a blog without frequent upgrades will fall off of Google’s radar.

Now, Google will not make a website vanish, unintentionally.

Competitors who are submitting high-quality blog posts each week will submit at least a dozen (12) pieces of content for Google to rank within its search results every quarter (3 months).

So, if you add one blog post per month, you are only providing Google with 3 pieces of content per quarter to consider.

Therefore, your competitors who are fiercely trying to connect with borrowers before you do are providing Google with four times as much content (400% more).

Quality is certainly more important to Google and to your website visitors than quantity.

In most cases, a mortgage competitor that has similar content to yours with more frequent contributions will outpace you in search engine rankings, website traffic and lead generation.

Content creation requires time for research, writing, editing and crafting helpful messages.

When you dominate your local area for valuable keyword terms, you’ll get mortgage leads for free.

Hiring a copywriter is a great way to generate free mortgage leads via informative blog posts.

Connect with a mortgage expert at Mobile Copywriter today!

Generate Free Mortgage Leads With Social Media Marketing

Social media appeals to people with all sorts of interests.

Building relationships is largely what social media is all about.

As a mortgage lender or a mortgage broker, social media is perfect for building your brand.

So, whether you engage in social media marketing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn or Pinterest, you have unlimited opportunities to increase brand awareness for your mortgage business.

Additionally, social media networks are great places to get free mortgage leads.

At the moment, social media networks are free.

However, that could change one day, as several popular online newspapers that were free, now require a subscription for information that’s hot off of the press.

But, unlike newspapers and other types of printed advertisements, you can instantly publish content about your mortgage company on your favorite social media networks.

Social media followers who need to buy a home or to refinance could obtain information about your mortgage company within your profile.

Therefore, adding a link to your website or providing a phone number to contact you are also quick ways to generate free mortgage leads via social media.

According to HubSpot, social media marketing improves lead generation and sales results because you are directing promotions toward people who decided to follow you.

Loan Officers Can Generate Free Mortgage Leads

Some mortgage companies expect loan officers to generate free mortgage leads from a variety of referral partners.

Loan officers can seek referrals from real estate agents, accountants, home builders and other professionals who frequently engage with consumers.

So, instead of paying online advertisers a hefty sum each month, loan originators can use content marketing strategies to get mortgage leads for free.

Our content helps loan officers engage in warm conversations with motivated buyers.

The process enables a loan officer to quickly establish rapport with people who want to buy a home or to refinance.

Using our materials to generate free mortgage leads will help you stuff your pipeline with borrowers who are eager to close.

Consider the Benefits of Free Mortgage Leads

Your website is an electronic storefront.

With thousands of mortgage companies competing to reach local borrowers, your website must be visible on the first page of Google.

Your website needs to build trust with potential customers and it needs to generate free mortgage leads 24 hours per day.

Mobile Copywriter provides professional blogging services, press releases, social media support and SEO for mortgage companies.

Our digital marketing strategies are used to help mortgage brokers and mortgage lenders dominate local competitors, when they generate free mortgage leads.

Low-cost marketing methods used to grow your lending business can greatly enhance your profits.

Hiring a professional copywriter is recommended for brokers and lenders who want to implement free mortgage lead generation strategies.

Still wondering how to generate mortgage leads for free?

As people who are curious about financing the cost of a home begin to search for answers online,

brokers and lenders who provide helpful home-buying tips will generate mortgage leads for free.

The secret sauce to closing more mortgage loans begins with a pipeline of motivated borrowers.

Brokers who provide solutions for borrowers with a low down payment or self-employment income

that’s difficult to prove should generate free mortgage leads on autopilot.

We create content that helps lending professionals get mortgage leads free of charge.

When borrowers are calling in for specific details about lending products, loan officers can take the

time that is necessary to properly assist them versus rushing to find more prospects.

Are you ready to quickly increase your share of the local mortgage market?

Learn more about our process to generate residential and commercial mortgage leads free.

Reach out to Mobile Copywriter about content marketing strategies to generate mortgage loan leads.

Try proven methods to generate free mortgage leads now!

Contact Mobile Copywriter today about SEO copywriting services to maintain a full pipeline of borrowers who are anxious to get a mortgage loan online.

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19 Ways to Increase Online Sales in 2019

Online Sales Tips for 2019

Create a Plan for Internet Marketing Success 

Building a website that generates a lot of traffic is an entrepreneurial dream. Getting a fantastic traffic-to-sales conversion ratio would be great, too. In order to make it happen, a reliable marketing strategy is needed to increase online sales in 2019.

When a larger market share is desired, a business owner will need a plan that encourages website visitors to make an online purchase.

With an Internet marketing strategy in place, an entrepreneur will have opportunities to cultivate relationships that lead to more online sales versus a website owner who favors a transactional sales method.

Keep in mind that savvy shoppers are probably going to visit several websites before deciding to buy a product or to order local services.Therefore, we have provided a helpful list of 19 ways to increase online sales in 2019.

  1. Update “About Us” Page – A confident business owner will have plenty to say about the quality of his services. Prospective buyers are looking for trusted resources prior to risking money via the Internet. An “About Us” page that reflects quality, experience and credibility could greatly influence a buyer’s purchasing decision.
  2. Add Fresh Website Content – It’s a huge mistake to create website content that does not receive frequent updates. When a website visitor returns to find the same content month-after-month, she may begin to look elsewhere to find fresh website content. Search engines, such as Google and Bing are always crawling the web to locate high-quality content that will benefit online users. Stale content is similar to yesterday’s news. Therefore, maintaining fresh website content is essential toward building a stronger engagement with visitors.
  3. Publish Scheduled Blog Posts – Many of the most authoritative websites will publish multiple articles per day. However, a business owner can remain connected with his audience by simply publishing at least one blog post per week. Blogging is an excellent way to attract new customers to a local business.
  4. Get a Website – Recent estimates indicate that many businesses do not have a website. According to a CNBC survey, nearly half of all businesses within the United States are operating without a website. While some entrepreneurs are making daily sales via alternative platforms, social media networks and ecommerce sites, a company-owned website is recommended for building long-term brand awareness. Additionally, in 2019 and beyond, entrepreneurs need to acquire a mobile website to maximize their opportunities with online shoppers.
  5. Accept Online Payments – An entrepreneur who plans to increase online sales needs a seamless way to securely process credit card and debit card payments.A secured payment platform that displays “HTTPS” at the far left of the web browser indicates that a web page is secured. This gives consumers confidence to enter personal and financial details.
  6. Build an Email List – Building and nurturing an email list is a very valuable way to stay connected with prospective customers. An email list is among the best resources and the fastest methods that an entrepreneur can use toward scaling a business.
  7. Increase Page Speed – Google delivers fast search engine results. Therefore, web pages that take too long to load will be omitted from its first page search engine results. Visit Page Speed Insights to run a page speed test.
  8. Promote Items on Social Media – While Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram offer advertising services, users can share posts that highlight various products and services. Currently, social media posts are free, which enables marketers to enjoy no-cost promotions. Although, a sparse amount of promotional posts are recommended to prevent being viewed as a spammer.
  9. Display Customer Reviews – Buyers will make purchases more frequently with trusted businesses. Reading online reviews from previous buyers can encourage a new customer to make a purchase.
  10. Respond to Inquiries Promptly – Prior to making an online purchase, a customer might have a question. Merchants who follow up quickly may be able to answer any questions or concerns, before a customer changes her mind or visits another online store.
  11. Get Found Online – Visibility on Google, Yahoo and Bing are essential to generating more online sales. If your website does not appear near the top of the search engine results for popular keywords, buyers are likely to make a purchase from a company that is shown on Google’s search engine results page (SERPs).
  12. Increase Brand Awareness – A creative marketing strategy may be used to help customers recognize your business more often. An identifiable logo, images, colors or a slogan could help consumers remember your brand. For instance, if you performed a Google search for basketball shoes and you were not familiar with the top two search engine results, but Nike was the third result, you might click onto Nike’s page link because you recognize and trust the brand
  13. Improve SEO – Search engine optimization aims to help a website increase its organic visibility. When a user performs a web-based search, she will notice that web pages with paid advertisements and web pages without ads appear on the first page of Google’s SERPs. The web pages with advertisements are promoted by Google and billed to the web page marketer when a link is clicked by a web page visitor. As you improve SEO, your website benefits from organic page rank increases that are free of promotional ads. Ranking on the first page of Google without having to incur hefty advertising costs can save a business a bundle of cash.
  14. Run Online Ads – Regardless of certain superficial claims that are made by search engine optimization specialists, SEO takes several months or longer to realize some noticeable results. A paid online marketing strategy via Google or Facebook could enable your ads to appear today.
  15. Offer Discounted Products or Services – Giving consumers an opportunity to save money on desirable items could certainly improve the probability that you will increase online sales in 2019. Why! Because, consumers love deals that are irresistible.
  16. Use Lead Magnets – A large percentage of online shoppers are unlikely to make a purchase on an initial visit to your website. Some of the visitors may never return to your website. A lead magnet, such as a free eBook or a newsletter will require the visitor to enter his email address. Thereafter, you can stay in touch with email content that strengthens your brand and your trust with the consumer.
  17. Set up Retargeting Services – By using codes or pixels that appear on your website, you can send promotional ads from Google, Facebook and other marketing services to visitors who previously landed on one or more of your web pages. As a user is searching for specific items online, your ads may continuously appear for certain search results. This approach can also improve your brand awareness with prospective buyers.
  18. Add a Chatbot – When a consumer lands on your web page, a chatbot can deliver automated responses for a user’s inquiries. Perhaps, the customer has a question about the size or color of a specific item that a chatbot can quickly answer. An expeditious customer service process frequently increases online sales.
  19. Create a Call-to-Action – While some users are constantly perusing the web to burn some time, buyers who are considering certain items to purchase might land on your website today. Encouraging a buyer to purchase an item now or to contact you right now for more information will trigger some impulsive actions. Simply asking for the sale or demonstrating a willingness to provide more value if necessary could help you grow your business in 2019.

Mobile Copywriter provides content marketing, SEO, blog posts and web page content to help companies get found online via Google search engine results.

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Generate Home Buyer Leads With SEO Copywriting Services

Home Buyer Leads

Connecting with home buyers before the competition can lead to increase sales for real estate professionals. Whether a buyer is searching for a single-family home or for an investment property, your name should be highly visible in the search engines. With the best SEO copywriting services for real estate experts, you can generate home buyer leads online.

Get Found Online Using Professional Keyword Research

You have heard that your approach must change to get different results. Furthermore, to surpass other dedicated professionals who also want to get found online, you will need to use some unique marketing strategies.

Experienced search engine analysts who work at the best SEO copywriting services can perform professional keyword research that identifies the best long-tail keywords and phrases for home buyer leads.   

Ranking on the First Page of Google for Home Buyer Leads

Does your website appear on the first page of Google when a search is performed for new homes or for home loans in your area?

Here is where SEO copywriting for real estate agents and for mortgage professionals is important. Most novice sales reps and entrepreneurs will Google their name or their company’s name, in their city to see if their website shows up on page 1 of Google.

And…Tada, it shows up — probably at the top of Google’s search engine results page.

Trouble is, prospective home buyers are not searching for you or your company by name, when the initial action is for a generic search.

Organic search engine reach aims to attract website visitors who are unaware of the services that you provide.

Our SEO copywriting services are designed to improve your website ranking with the ultimate goal of getting your website to rank on the first page of Google.

Full disclosure: The task of increasing web page rankings is very difficult in competitive niches. Otherwise, everyone would throw money toward search engine optimization firms, and expect their sales funnel leads to quickly convert.

Get Targeted Home Buyer Leads Via SEO Copywriting

If you are a buyer’s agent, your target market is for home buyer leads versus new home listings. An SEO copywriting expert can create a compelling story that engages your audience and drives quality leads to your website from highly targeted home buyers.

Targeted Mortgage Leads

Order SEO Copywriting Services Online

Purchasing home buyer leads that you must cold call to spark up a conversation is painful and time consuming. Sending direct mail pieces is just as frustrating, as you are assuming that the phone might ring from inbound calls.

If you are really good or very lucky, approximately two percent of the folks who you reached out to might be receptive to your outbound message.

However, SEO copywriting gives you a superior edge. Every person who is driven to your website via a user initiated search could result in an inbound lead.

Highly targeted inbound marketing leads have a much better chance of converting into closed sales — because, the prospect is seeking information or help.

Your opportunity to generate home buyer leads improves by working with the best SEO copywriter for real estate and mortgage professionals.

Mobile Copywriter provides affordable SEO services to help small business owners increase online sales.

Contact us today so that you can dominate local Internet leads in your market area.   

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What is Mobile Marketing for Local Business? Post #456

Mobile Marketing For Local Business

At any moment, a consumers may need to make a random purchase. With a quick online search via a mobile device, nearby goods and services may be located. Mobile marketing for local business offers a unique way to stay in front of buyers who are performing a Google search for a specific item.

Mobile Devices

Consumers rely on mobile devices for many tasks.  As a pocket-sized computer, a mobile device, such as a smartphone or a tablet can place phone calls from anywhere. However, gaming, texting and online shopping are fun, too.

Smart marketers who focus on mobile marketing for local business can learn a lot.

Here is why it’s important!

Local buyers will rarely use newspapers to find goods and services.

According to the DigitalGov website, usage and engagement with mobile devices has led developers to focus on “mobile first” strategies.

Content creation for mobile devices will help search engines find local businesses.

A quick Google search may be performed to find just about anything.

Find a Restaurant Near Me

While on the go, a mobile device may be used to find fast food restaurants or fine dining establishments. When a user has the location settings enabled on her mobile device, she can use it to find restaurants that are nearby.

Whether typing or using voice prompts for the device to find a restaurant near me, Google will display a variety of restaurants and the approximate distance to reach the location.

The time to get found online for quality goods and local services has never been better.

Progressive business owners are hiring SEO services and mobile copywriting agencies to boost their visibility in Google’s search results.

Why Mobile Marketing for Local Business is Necessary?

When a consumer has a toothache, time is of the essence to find help fast.

Dentist who get found online before other local competitors will generate more revenue.

If a homeowner has a flooded basement, a local plumber is needed immediately.

For the above situations, a consumer does not have the time to shop around for several days.

Therefore, appearing at the top of Google’s search engine results is essential to the survival of local professionals.

Mobile marketing for local business owners is no longer an option.

To stay top of mind with local prospects, a solid digital marketing strategy is the best way to get a small business website found online.

Mobile Marketing Help

Running a small business has many daily challenges. Staying on top of the latest search engine optimization methods and digital marketing strategies is time consuming for busy entrepreneurs.

So, unless a business sells content marketing services, it generally makes more sense to outsource the tasks to a professional agency or to hire copywriters online who can generate targeted leads.

Ready to appear in local search results?

Want to generate more sales from mobile shoppers?

Mobile Copywriter provides nationwide digital marketing services, SEO, content creation and social media services for small and mid-sized businesses.

Use the blue button below to request help from the best mobile marketing company.

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