Hiring Freelance Copywriters for Landing Page Content – Post #410

Freelance Copywriters


Website content is helpful for building engagements with local buyers. When presenting a basic offer or a lead magnet, landing page content may provide higher conversion rates. Small business owners are hiring freelance copywriters to craft some amazing content for landing pages.

Why Should a Small Business Use Landing Pages?

Landing pages are designed to get more web-based users to opt-in for a specific offer. Unlike a blog post or standard web page content, high-quality landing pages aim to capture a user’s contact information. Freelance copywriters can add compelling content that motivates a user to take action.

Best Ways to Drive Traffic to a Landing Page

While search engine optimization works wonders for most forms of website content, landing pages are frequently used to get a direct response. Small business owners have experienced a lot of success with landing page promotions.

Generally, the page is shared online using free promotional methods via email and social media platforms. Paid advertisements may also be used to send targeted traffic to a landing page.

Why Hire Freelance Copywriters Versus Content Writers for Landing Pages?

Some companies will hire web content writers to create landing page content. Since the bulk of the content should be sales oriented versus informational, a freelance copywriter will be more suitable for the task.

In terms of costs, freelance copywriters typically charge more money than web content writers. However, having the best call-to-action strategist at the helm of a creative assignment could generate a significantly higher return on investment.

Freelance copywriters are tasked with creating persuasive content that moves readers to take action. When a small business owner is paying to drive traffic to a landing page, every additional edge can lead to increased conversions.

Contact Mobile Copywriter for search engine optimized content that gets noticed online. Use the blue button below to connect with us today.

Lead Generation Copy to Increase Small Business Sales

Lead Generation Copy


Copywriters excel at creating verbal jingles and written messages that attract attention. When a prospective buyer is poised to learn more about a product or a service, well-written call-to-actions should generate more leads and more sales for a small business. Mobile Copywriter consistently crafts phenomenal lead generation copy that drives website traffic and sales toward small businesses.

Why Use Lead Generation Copy?

Lead generation copy keeps small businesses from sluggish sales and from closing their companies. Just when a business is on the brink of failure, an entrepreneur might make one last decision to hire a lead generation copywriter. In many cases, a company begins to make money, and the business is able to remain open for a while. Ironically, many wise business owners can see the writing on the wall. Sales are flat and website traffic is lower than expected.

Deciding to outsource a company’s lead generation copy to a professional could result in more inbound website traffic and online sales. However, a business owner must have the foresight to contact an experienced copywriter. Our content marketing process has been proven to generate leads for small businesses.

Copy to Increase Small Business Sales Online

Online sales will rarely happen by accident. Yet, some business owners are waiting for certain antiquated methods to start generating online leads and sales revenue. Instead of spending hard-earned money on gimmicks and saturated Internet leads, small business owners can buy copy to increase online sales. Similar to other industries, copywriting success will vary among professionals. Working with a copywriter who is knowledgeable about search engine optimization and online marketing is a plus.

The best lead generation copywriters are able to rank within the top pages of Google. Performing a query to locate copywriters who are able to generate Internet leads, website traffic and online sales for small business owners is the best way to find local professionals.

Contact Mobile Copywriter today for information about the best lead generation strategies to increase sales for a small business.
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