Generate Mortgage Leads While Mortgage Rates Are Low

Mortgage Rates

Updated 3-5-2020

Mortgage rates are shopped online to find the best deal. Unfortunately, many home buyers are not aware that the lowest displayed rate does not always equal the lowest cost or the best mortgage terms. Mobile Copywriter provides the best mortgage marketing ideas to help brokers and lenders close more loans.

Using Mortgage Rates to Get the Best Mortgage Leads

Mortgage professionals who can sell borrowers via the lowest rates in the marketplace should have an easy path toward lead generation.

However, a broker or a lender with pricing that is a quarter-point above the best mortgage rates available can certainly compete to win.

Here are a few ways to compete against price:

  • Lower overall costs (rate & price combination)
  • Excellent customer service
  • Solid customer reviews
  • Local office presence
  • Mortgage marketing strategies

Build Brand Awareness for a Mortgage Company

Local brand awareness is one of the best ways for a mortgage company to generate free mortgage leads. When a borrower is ready to obtain financing to buy a home, she may reach out to a mortgage company that is recognized in her area.

A mortgage business with a strong brand has conveyed reliability, trust and value in the market that it serves.

Some mortgage companies are largely known from promotions that display low mortgage rates in print and online.

Although, mortgage professionals who cannot compete on price alone may use other methods to grow a mortgage business and to reach more prospects. 

We provide the best content creation strategies and mortgage marketing ideas to connect with prospective borrowers before the competition does.

Content Writing Services to Generate Mortgage Leads Online

With the right marketing system, it is easy to maintain a pipeline of borrowers who need financing for a home.

Doesn’t everyone use a marketing system?


Every mortgage company has different goals, different leadership and a different path toward success.

Every borrower does not get the same mortgage rates.

Each borrower has a different credit score.

Each borrower has a preferred method of consuming information.

Some borrowers might prefer television, radio, social media or perusing the search engines.

As digital marketing professionals, we help mortgage companies connect with borrowers who use various social media platforms and search engines.

Knowing where borrowers are spending time is an important metric for mortgage marketing professionals.

We created a content marketing system that engages borrowers to connect with a mortgage company more frequently.

Whether using fresh web page content, article writing services, blog posts, press releases or social media posts, our goal is to help mortgage professionals attract a larger supply of local Internet leads.

When borrowers are frequently guided toward a mortgage company’s website, the probability that some of the visitors will inquire about mortgage rates increases.

Borrowers are repeatedly visiting a mortgage company’s website because the content is informative and it answers specific questions about the lending process.

Loan officers who have built a significant amount of trust with local borrowers can sell credibility and reliable services versus a company that only competes on the lowest mortgage rates.

As the best copywriters for mortgage companies, we provide affordable SEO services, web design, hosting, website content, article writing, blog posts, press releases, call-to-action copy and social media marketing support.

Our content marketing services are used among brokers and lenders who offer affordable mortgages rates that lead to affordable homeownership opportunities.

Search engine optimized content helps improve a mortgage broker’s or a lender’s website for keywords that borrowers are using to find financing for a home loan.

Contact us today to inquire about growing a mortgage business online that builds trust with local prospects.

I Need Content



Content Creation That Generates Free Mortgage Leads Post #465

Mortgage Leads Can Generate More Business With High-Quality Content Creation.

Updated 10/12/2023

Exclusive mortgage leads provide an opportunity for loan originators to make more money.

However, free mortgage leads enable brokers and lenders to earn a higher return on each closed home loan.

Mobile Copywriter explores the best content creation methods that generate free mortgage leads for loan originators.

Are Mortgage Leads Really Free?

Yes! It’s possible to generate free mortgage leads.

Although, some initial efforts are needed upfront to avoid an ongoing outlay of cash.

Free mortgage leads can stem from relationships that a loan officer builds with referral partners, such as real estate agents, home builders, accountants, financial planners, credit improvement services and home improvement companies.

High-quality article writing services can create mortgage content that drives organic traffic or free Internet leads to a search engine optimized website. 

Building Trust to Generate Free Mortgage Leads

Mortgage professionals rarely receive multiple leads during an initial encounter with a new referral source, as the prospect may already have outlets for placing easy loan files and outlets for submitting challenging mortgage applications.    

To attract business from referral sources, a loan officer has to determine what type of financing is routinely needed for a potential client.

Additionally, the referral source would need to feel confident that a mortgage loan officer can provide adequate funding, attractive rates and the ability to close on time.

Unfortunately, brokers and lenders will rarely attract mortgage leads with just a shiny website.

A lot of high-quality content will be needed to cover information that borrowers are seeking to discover.

When a website has a limited amount of search engine optimized content, paid advertising, retargeting and pay-per click ads are often used to generate leads.

However, the ROI for paid ads will generally be much lower than the earnings from free mortgage leads. 

Prospective borrowers are frequently using Google to locate information about buying a home or refinancing.

As the world’s most authoritative search engine, consumers are aware that Google provides high-quality results for topics, such as real estate, insurance, title information and for mortgage lending.   

Obtaining Mortgage Leads Online

While every website will have some content for visitors to read, most mortgage businesses will not be viewable to prospective borrowers.

Sure, most mortgage websites are indexed to appear within Google’s free search engine results.

But, it’s where the website appears that matters most. 

Here is the logic!

There are plenty of places that a borrower could search for a mortgage loan online.

However, Google is the most trusted resource for obtaining general or important information online.

Therefore, users are fairly confident in the results that Google has selected to appear on the first page of its search engine.

So confident, that it’s easy to believe that the first five out of ten results that are shown on the first page of Google will typically receive the most website traffic.

Appearing on the bottom half of Google’s first page search results is still fairly respectable, as a user might see something that is worth clicking onto.

Having a meta description that partially addresses a user’s search engine query could result in a visit to the website.

When a website appears beyond the first page of Google for top-level mortgage keywords, many opportunities are lost.

Essentially, users trust that Google has placed the best results near the top its first page.

Again, Google’s organic search engine results are free. 

So, appearing within Google’s top results for valuable mortgage keywords and for long-tail keyword phrases is among the best ways to get found online.

Why Create Content for a Mortgage Website?

Imagine visiting a website that displayed limited or outdated content. 

It would create a rather poor user experience.

Almost as bad, is when a visitor lands on a web page to see the same information month-after-month.

Eventually, the user will search online for fresh website content that provides helpful information.

Creating content that users enjoy reading could lead to frequent website visits.

Also, readers might follow a mortgage blog or a newsletter via real simple syndication updates.

An RSS feed is a great way to build engagement with raving fans.

Search engine visibility is also an important reason to create content for a mortgage website.

In fact, competitive mortgage companies who aim to rank at the top of Google to attract mortgage refinance leads, VA IRRRL mortgage leads, exclusive mortgage leads, FHA mortgage leads, reverse mortgage leads, purchase money leads or home buyer leads will hire the best SEO copywriters for content creation.

When a potential borrower begins to shop for a home loan, mortgage lenders and brokers who want to generate local Internet leads must get found online within Google’s top search engine results.

Therefore, content writers with mortgage industry experience are recommended for blog posts, press releases and for web page content that drives more traffic and leads toward a mortgage website.

Writing Blog Posts for a Mortgage Website

Mortgage blog posts are regularly needed to keep prospective borrowers informed with topics, such as local housing issues, national housing issues, benefits of buying a home versus renting, low-rate loan programs, loans for first time home buyers, debt consolidation, advantages of getting a reverse mortgage and ways to improve credit scores.

Additionally, properly crafted blog posts can help readers find a mortgage website online. Using the right keywords, phrases, images and a variety of SEO elements within a weekly blog post can improve the search engine visibility for a mortgage website.

Although, stuffy content and certain types of lengthy prose will cause readers to quickly leave a website. Powerful content writing for a mortgage blog will keep readers engaged and provide a ton of value.

Frequent blog posts provide an excellent way to increase website traffic, to engage with borrowers and to generate free mortgage leads. 

How many words should a blog post contain?

When creating content for a blog post, a writer should add a minimum of 200 words.

Ideally, a blog post should have at least 300 words.

Google ranking factors indicate a preference for blog posts with 200 words or more.

Writing Press Releases for a Mortgage Company

Press releases enable mortgage companies and other small businesses to share newsworthy content with media outlets. 

When a mortgage firm wants to announce the opening of a new location, new products, new services or other important information, a press release is a great vehicle for spreading the word.

Also, a press release offers great opportunities for branding and for attracting local customers. 

We create press releases that mortgage companies can publish on their website, share on social media or send to existing customers via email.

Writing Web Page Content for Free Mortgage Leads

Web page content gives visitors informative details about specific products and services.

When content is written with the reader in mind, a business owner should notice that visitors are staying on the page for longer time frames.

While more content gets absorbed when visitors are on a web page for extended durations, additional benefits may be realized for SEO purposes, too.

Search engines reward websites that keep readers engaged for longer periods than competing sites are able to achieve.

Therefore, writing website content that excites, informs or entertains visitors is important for a company that wants to generate free mortgage leads.

Hire SEO Copywriter

Hire a Copywriter for Content Creation

Whether a web page or a blog post has 300 words, 1,000 words or more than 2,000 words, a reader’s attention must be captured within about eight seconds.

Note: This blog post has more than 2,200 words.

Before reaching a call-to-action that invites the reader to pick up the phone, fill out a contact form or to subscribe to a newsletter, the content must immediately resonate with the reader.

Deciding to hire a copywriter is wise for most mortgage professionals. 

Why Hire a Copywriter?

Because, a lot of details that seem very basic requires some out-of-the-box foresight.

While focused on closing more mortgage loans this month and in the upcoming months, a loan originator should be working on sales activities. 

Calling new leads, following up with borrowers, answering any concerns, reaching out to referral sources, staying up-to-date on new products, participating in industry events and seeking ongoing training are some of the activities that a successful loan officer should routinely perform.

A copywriter might spend more time crafting a title for a blog post than a loan originator takes to write half of the words for a blog post.

Additionally, a copywriter will perform some keyword research to find the best mortgage keywords and the most useful keyword phrases for mortgage SEO strategies.

Since many loan officers are sharing details that are easy to find on any competing website, a blog post might largely go unnoticed amongst 4 million other blog posts that are published every day.

Therefore, a proven content marketing system should be used to determine an ideal way to seamlessly integrate very valuable mortgage keyword phrases into a blog post, a web page or into a press release.

It’s a great idea to hire a copywriter for lead generation support.

Generate Exclusive Mortgage Leads With SEO Copywriting

Mortgage marketing executives and sales managers generally intend to present a strong brand that meets the financing needs for most local consumers.

Although, the ability to spread the word to borrowers in competitive regions is very difficult without search engine optimized website content.

For many years, loan officers have understood the value of exclusive mortgage leads.

Due to the time and the work that’s involved to generate exclusive mortgage leads that are organic (Free Mortgage Leads), Internet marketing companies receive constant inquiries.

However, to get any type of free Internet marketing leads that are exclusive, a unique approach is required.

A content marketing strategy to get mortgage leads online is what separates exclusive mortgage leads from generic Internet leads.

SEO copywriting delivers powerful information that consumers are searching to find on the world’s best search engine — Google!

When a mortgage website is authoritative and provides answers to questions that prospective borrowers are asking, loan originators will be able to generate exclusive mortgage leads much faster.

SEO copywriting is used for generating free mortgage leads from borrowers who respond to call-to-actions that are relevant to specific search engine queries.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing Ideas for Mortgage Lead Generation 

Loan officers and mortgage brokers are constantly competing against other mortgage companies to obtain more business.

Although, lending professionals who maintain a connection with prospective borrowers will win over the long term.

The days of simply spending money to buy mortgage leads online are dwindling. 

Shown below are some of our most powerful content marketing ideas for mortgage lead generation.

  • Consistently adding fresh website content.
  • Posting informative blog content at least one time per week.
  • Linking relevant content to new articles.
  • Sharing helpful content with social media followers.
  • Linking images and videos to written content.
  • Create call to action content that readers will value.
  • Using email to generate leads from targeted prospects.

Focusing on Local Internet Leads

Instead of casting an extremely wide net to search for mortgage leads, brokers and lenders can generate a lot of business from borrowers who are nearby.

With the ability to get found online when a borrower searches for specific keyword phrases, a mortgage website could generate more local Internet leads.

Some borrowers who prefer to work with local lending experts may become repeat customers or send referrals from other prospects with similar goals.

A stronger local presence can help a mortgage company increase its brand awareness within the community, too.

We help mortgage lenders and mortgage brokers generate free Internet leads with compelling copy that gets website visitors to take immediate actions.

Proven Content Creation Methods to Grow a Mortgage Business

In many ways, the mortgage business is similar to other industries.

Customers expect reliable services that are delivered as promised and on time.

However, the timeline from the initial point of contact to a completed transaction is longer than it takes for most industries, such as an auto repair service or for tax preparation services.

Creating content that answers a reader’s search query has proven to engage borrowers more than information that is too complex. 

For instance, most consumers do not want to read content that resembles an auto repair manual or to understand the nuances of the tax code.  

When consumers are satisfied with the search engine results for certain home lending queries, brokers and lenders will be able to grow a mortgage business more efficiently.    

Working with a premier content creation company that is ranked among the best article writing services in the US is an asset for online funnel marketing strategies and for effective mortgage marketing ideas. 

Mobile Copywriter helps mortgage professionals generate free mortgage leads with SEO copywriting and content marketing strategies

We write mortgage content that meets the highest compliance standards. 

Our content gives readers valuable insight that ultimately aims to increase a company’s authority online and to build engagement with website visitors.   

A borrower should not randomly pick a lending professional to handle such a large financial transaction.

Lending professionals should also refuse to work with mortgage content writers who are not experienced within the industry and who are not ranked on the first page of Google.

Contact Mobile Copywriter today about article writing services and search engine optimization strategies to generate more website traffic from targeted prospects.

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Generate Home Buyer Leads With SEO Copywriting Services

Home Buyer Leads

Connecting with home buyers before the competition can lead to increase sales for real estate professionals. Whether a buyer is searching for a single-family home or for an investment property, your name should be highly visible in the search engines. With the best SEO copywriting services for real estate experts, you can generate home buyer leads online.

Get Found Online Using Professional Keyword Research

You have heard that your approach must change to get different results. Furthermore, to surpass other dedicated professionals who also want to get found online, you will need to use some unique marketing strategies.

Experienced search engine analysts who work at the best SEO copywriting services can perform professional keyword research that identifies the best long-tail keywords and phrases for home buyer leads.   

Ranking on the First Page of Google for Home Buyer Leads

Does your website appear on the first page of Google when a search is performed for new homes or for home loans in your area?

Here is where SEO copywriting for real estate agents and for mortgage professionals is important. Most novice sales reps and entrepreneurs will Google their name or their company’s name, in their city to see if their website shows up on page 1 of Google.

And…Tada, it shows up — probably at the top of Google’s search engine results page.

Trouble is, prospective home buyers are not searching for you or your company by name, when the initial action is for a generic search.

Organic search engine reach aims to attract website visitors who are unaware of the services that you provide.

Our SEO copywriting services are designed to improve your website ranking with the ultimate goal of getting your website to rank on the first page of Google.

Full disclosure: The task of increasing web page rankings is very difficult in competitive niches. Otherwise, everyone would throw money toward search engine optimization firms, and expect their sales funnel leads to quickly convert.

Get Targeted Home Buyer Leads Via SEO Copywriting

If you are a buyer’s agent, your target market is for home buyer leads versus new home listings. An SEO copywriting expert can create a compelling story that engages your audience and drives quality leads to your website from highly targeted home buyers.

Targeted Mortgage Leads

Order SEO Copywriting Services Online

Purchasing home buyer leads that you must cold call to spark up a conversation is painful and time consuming. Sending direct mail pieces is just as frustrating, as you are assuming that the phone might ring from inbound calls.

If you are really good or very lucky, approximately two percent of the folks who you reached out to might be receptive to your outbound message.

However, SEO copywriting gives you a superior edge. Every person who is driven to your website via a user initiated search could result in an inbound lead.

Highly targeted inbound marketing leads have a much better chance of converting into closed sales — because, the prospect is seeking information or help.

Your opportunity to generate home buyer leads improves by working with the best SEO copywriter for real estate and mortgage professionals.

Mobile Copywriter provides affordable SEO services to help small business owners increase online sales.

Contact us today so that you can dominate local Internet leads in your market area.   

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5 Content Writing Ideas to Immediately Grow Your Small Business – Post #453

Content Writing Ideas


Entrepreneurs frequently dream about the quickest ways to increase online sales.

Want to know why?

Well, sales growth for a small business is proportionately tied to more revenue.

And, more revenue equals more money!

According to the Small Business Administration, funding is important for your small business.

However, your business can experience massive growth with a stronger connection to people who need your products and services.

Using your website, social media and various digital marketing strategies, your business can generate an unlimited amount of local Internet leads.

Mobile Copywriter shares proven content writing ideas to help you rapidly grow your small business.

Get Found Online With Content Writing Ideas

For several decades, copywriters have used long-form content to tell a story that resonates with readers, touches certain pain points and guides readers toward a call-to-action.

Advertising agencies typically hired copywriters to create content for sales letters, brochures, billboard messages and for a variety of printed advertisements.

These days, consumers spend an enormous amount of time online.

Visibility on desktop computers and mobile devices is a must for entrepreneurs who are serious about growing a small business.

On any type of device, content writing provides the best way for a small business to get found online.

Since Google chronologically ranks website content according to quality, it is wise to only add authoritative information to a company’s blog or website.


Content Writing SEO Chart

Content Writing for Search Engine Optimization

In a nutshell, search engine optimization aims to publish content in a manner that complies with Google’s best practices.

Webmasters and copywriters who focus on search engine optimization can increase the opportunity for a small business website to get found on the Internet.

Therefore, content writing that stands head-and-shoulders above the rest will ultimately rank on the first page of Google.

Small business owners who are well versed in SEO and content writing should take a few hours each week to create materials that website visitors will enjoy reading.

If a busy schedule prevents a small business owner from generating fresh website content, a professional SEO writer is highly recommended for the task.

Similar to buying cheaply made products or tools, growth-oriented business owners should avoid hiring cheap content writing services for search engine optimization.

Although, working with an experienced SEO professional could result in more local Internet leads for small business owners.


Write Weekly Blog Posts

Writing high volumes of authoritative content provides plenty of information for readers to absorb.

Posting insightful content each week can build engagement with readers who return to a small business website to get valuable tips.

On an annual basis, weekly blog posts can add 52 fresh pieces of content for a growing website. Stay ahead of the competition with frequent content contributions.

Entrepreneurs who are short on time or ideas can hire content writing experts to craft high-quality blog posts.


Content Writing High Quality

Create Original Website Content

Some business owners who want to immediately grow online sales for a service-based company will hire cheap article writing services or article spinners to create low-cost content.

However, original website content is needed to command search engine attention from Google, Yahoo and Bing.

While the cost for cheap article writing might be associated with fiscal responsibility, wise business owners will remember that Google issues penalties for attempts to artificially obtain an edge within its search engine results pages.

Write Helpful Social Media Content

While you have the ability to reach thousands of like-minded individuals for free, use the opportunity to provide your followers with valuable content.

Instead of spamming your audience with promotions to get more followers or to sell branded t-shirts, it is wise to offer helpful tips that could solve a variety of problems.

Connect with Mobile Copywriter to order content writing services that will keep readers returning to your website for valuable information and to improve your website rankings online.

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Mortgage Marketing – Post #452

Lending professionals will thrive with branding that resonates with local home buyers and borrowers who want to refinance. However, mortgage lenders and brokers are often competing to originate loans from the same group of prospective borrowers. Mobile Copywriter provides a definitive overview of the best mortgage marketing strategies.

Becoming known as a reputable resource for government, conventional and alternative lending programs can establish a local mortgage company as the go-to resource for buying or refinancing a home.

Our mortgage marketing strategies are helping brokers and lenders build more engagement with prospective borrowers.

Using content creation methods that are designed to gain search engine visibility and to increase website traffic, we help our clients save money by avoiding “hit or miss” advertising methods.  

Mortgage Marketing

Targeted Marketing Strategies

Instead of recommending massive mailing campaigns or expensive forms of online advertising, we educate our clients on the benefits of content marketing.

When lenders are consistently providing valuable information and resources for borrowers who are in the market for specific services, the opportunities to write more home loans will naturally increase.

Therefore, instead of hoping that buyers are tricked into clicking onto an advertisement just to generate mortgage Internet leads, targeted marketing strategies provide a win-win for lending professionals who truly want to obtain clients for life.

Using a variety of services, such as web content writing for mortgage companies, authoritative blog posts, social media networking and press releases, our clients who are too busy to complete similar tasks are able to receive targeted Internet leads.

Mortgage SEO

Search engine optimization is often viewed as some sort of mysterious art form that has lost its appeal in the world of online marketing.

The confusion typically stems from entrepreneurs who are largely unaware of the benefits of SEO. Perhaps, a small business owner hired an SEO specialist to get a website ranked on the first page of Google, but the process failed.

As the top ranked SEO copywriter for mortgage companies (go ahead and Google it for confirmation), we only use the most reputable online marketing strategies to help improve a website’s natural search engine rankings. The practice is commonly referred to as “White Hat” SEO techniques, which are highly recommended to avoid search engine penalties from Google or Bing.

When properly performed, mortgage SEO will increase the opportunities for a local website to get found online. Although, mortgage marketing managers and loan officers should know that it takes time to rank a blog or a website on the first page of Google for highly desirable terms.

Certain keyword phrases that are deemed as low-hanging fruit might be easier to rank online. But, it could take six months to a year for competitive terms to achieve favorable search engine rankings.

Sure, we have gotten many pages to appear at the top of Google in just a few weeks, however, we do not make the types of guarantees that causes people to lose trust in legitimate SEO techniques.

Mortgage SEO

SEO Copywriting Gets Mortgage Marketing Results

Hiring an SEO copywriter is a great way to maximize a mortgage company’s marketing budget.

Here’s why!

Mortgage professionals are generally too busy to create enough content to consistently feed their pipeline, to remain up-to-date on SEO advancements or to perform A/B tests to gauge what’s working versus what is not.

Our mortgage marketing packages provide weekly blog posts, daily social media actions and periodic press releases. Instead of hiring three or more experienced creative specialists who would expect salaries and benefits of at least $60,000 each (copywriter, social media pro, content writer, editor, digital marketing expert), lending professionals can outsource the tasks to a professional SEO copywriting service.

Submitting informative and concise blog posts will improve the chances that readers will opt-in for certain offers or visit the website again to view future topics of discussion.

In addition to providing stellar search engine optimized web content, copywriters are also known for creating priceless call-to-action materials.

We provide the ultimate combination of services for effective mortgage marketing that builds brand awareness, website traffic, reader engagement, Internet leads and more closed loans.

Connect with us today about obtaining targeted mortgage leads from borrowers who are searching online for local lending services.

Increase Traffic

Mortgage Website Traffic

Similar to other types of sales, mortgage lending is largely a numbers game. For instance, a mortgage company that gets 1,000 monthly website visitors versus a company that gets 10,000 monthly website visitors will receive far less mortgage leads.

Sure, the traffic sources are vital to generating quality Internet leads. However, companies that are focused on generating organic website traffic via Google’s search engine results will not have to spend thousands of dollars each month on Facebook ads.

Content creation is an excellent way to increase mortgage website traffic for a local broker or for a regional lender.

Competitive mortgage lenders and brokers can work with SEO copywriters to create call-to-action content that encourages website visitors to apply for a home loan or to return to the website for additional information.

So, what types of content will generate free Internet leads for a mortgage website?

  • Home buying tips
  • Debt consolidation
  • Credit improvement
  • Financing programs
  • Pre-qualifying
  • Saving money
  • Benefits of homeownership
  • Reasons to hire a professional
  • Local community involvement

Content Marketing Strategies for a Mortgage Company

The days of creating a piece of content to never touch again are gone, as the Internet provides an expressway for smart marketing professionals to reach a massive amount of folks with content curation strategies.

Shown below are some of the best ways to share content via digital marketing methods.

  • Web page content
  • Blog posts
  • Videos
  • Podcast
  • Newsletters
  • Press releases
  • Social media

Web Page Content – Visitors rarely land on a mortgage website by accident. When a prospective borrower clicks onto a mortgage website, he is generally seeking information about buying a house or refinancing his current home loan.

With content that references some of the topics mentioned above, a new website visitor may take some time to check out some useful tips. Ideally, the prospective borrower will bookmark the website for a future visit.

Ironically, many mortgage company websites are rarely updated. Therefore, when a prospective borrower returns to a previously visited website for more info, she is likely to go to other mortgage websites that consistently provide fresh web page content.

Blog Posts – While potential borrowers are unlikely to frequently check out a mortgage company’s “About Us” page or its “Services” page, a high number of repeat visits may be made to view helpful blog posts.

As an unbeatable method to stay connected with prospective borrowers, blogging is an excellent way to build a subscriber base that gets a notification when a new blog post is published.

When a mortgage company can retain a borrower’s attention by drawing them toward a branded mortgage website several times a month, a greater level of trust will exist to move the relationship forward. The probability is extremely high for a trusted mortgage lender to receive a phone call when the borrower is ready to apply for a home loan.

Videos – Since a large percentage of consumers love to watch visual content that enables them to follow along, live video presentations and recorded videos are used to cover a wide variety of topics.

In 2018, and beyond, video marketing is projected to become the preferred method for building an audience of raving fans. Viewers can easily subscribe to their favorite channels, and receive a notification when a new video is published.

Podcasts – As a digital audio file, subscribers can listen to recorded topics of interest. According to Search Engine Land, podcasts may be used to build credibility, authority and search engine rankings.   

Newsletters – Monthly or quarterly newsletters may be used to provide a variety of details that readers might find useful.

Press Releases – a mortgage company can hire a copywriter to create informative press releases. While a press release is not a mortgage marketing method that improves SEO, the opportunity for social sharing, media attention and brand awareness makes this a viable way to get the word out about major announcements or upcoming events.   

Social Media – Today’s mortgage marketing professionals are aware of the power of social media networking. It provides an excellent forum to educate, entertain and inform a community of followers about a variety of topics.

Many reciprocal benefits are realized via social media, as helpful tips and services may be received from a variety of followers. Social media networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest are excellent platforms for mortgage firms.

Generate Free Mortgage Marketing Leads

Mortgage brokers and small mortgage companies often discover that lead generation is very expensive. Some of the largest mortgage companies in the country are spending millions of dollars each month toward paid advertising that makes it difficult for local mortgage firms to compete.

However, our promotional strategies are helping local originators generate free mortgage leads. Therefore, without a huge budget for pay-per-click leads, display ads, social media advertising, direct mailing costs or telemarketing campaigns, we help our clients dominate their markets for local Internet leads.

Our 7-Step Process for Content Marketing Success helps brokers and lenders obtain exclusive leads for purchase, refinance and for reverse mortgage loans.

Hire Copywriters for Call-to-Action Mortgage Marketing Strategies

While every company hopes that each website visitor will complete an online application for a mortgage loan, the reality is quite different.

A borrower might review three or more websites before selecting a mortgage company to work with.

Companies that provide an enormous amount of value will probably notice that a fair amount of repeat visitors have returned to their websites. Although, it’s actionable types of content that moves the prospect toward becoming a customer.

Mortgage brokers and sale managers can hire copywriters to create content marketing strategies that motivate website visitors to pick up the phone or to submit their contact information via a contact form.

Purchase Mortgage Lead

Content Marketing Costs for a Mortgage Company

So, how much money should a mortgage company spend per month for content marketing? The actual answer will vary according to the number of loan originators that a company employs and the company’s average conversion-to-leads ratio.

Affordable content writing services for mortgage companies are worth their weight in gold — regardless of price.

Why? Because ranking on the first page of Google for highly desirable keywords will  enable a mortgage company to get more Internet leads than companies that are shown on page two or beyond.  

Cheap article writing services and content marketing services might charge $50 per article or $200 per month, while professional article writing services might charge $200 per search engine optimized article or $1,000 per month.

Like everything else, the supply and demand for high-quality content writing that generates website traffic and Internet leads will cost more than generic information that is quickly produced.

Here is why the costs for an exceptional content marketing system for mortgage companies is a no-brainer.

Using an average loan amount of $200,000, a mortgage company would gross $3,000 with a loan origination fee of one and a half points.

Mortgage companies with content marketing costs of $1,000 per month would recoup their costs with just one loan per quarter.

Ideally, a local mortgage company that generates daily Internet leads via digital marketing could easily close 4 or more loans per month to realize an ROI that is more than 10 times the cost of content creation and marketing services.

Increasing Brand Awareness for a Local Mortgage Company

In an age where consumers are using their smartphone and laptops to search for everything online, mortgage companies need to have a strong local presence to compete against larger lenders.

Consumers know that Google has displayed the websites with the most authoritative content at the top of their local search engine results pages.

Frequently appearing on the first page of Google, in social media and in press releases are excellent ways to build trust and brand recognition with local customers.  

Mortgage companies can get the word out about a new office or recent developments by hiring experienced copywriters for increasing brand awareness.


Storytelling that shares bite-sized chunks of information may be used to provide an endless amount value for readers who initially land on a website via a specific keyword search, such as “Copywriter PA” or “Copywriter Mortgage Content.”

We help mortgage companies that are eager to close more FHA, conventional, VA, USDA and reverse mortgage loans.

Contact Mobile Copywriter for mortgage website content that dominates local search engine results.   

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5 Clever Ways to Increase Online Sales – Post #449

Increase Online Sales

Updated 8/13/2023

Website marketing strategies for small business owners are often met with various levels of success.

However, entrepreneurs who are using proven methods to increase website traffic will have the best opportunities to get local Internet leads.

Mobile Copywriter uses a reliable content creation process to help its clients increase online sales.

1) Create an Awesome About Page

Before making an online purchase from an unknown enterprise, a consumer is likely to review website information that provides some background details about the company.

Taking the time to create an “About” page could enable website visitors to gain greater levels of insight toward a company’s industry experience, accolades, knowledge, values and its mission.

Since consumers prefer to buy from trusted companies, it’s a wise idea to write an awesome “About” page that helps to build brand awareness and to increase online sales for a local business.

2) Use a Conversational Tone to Engage With Website Visitors

Compelling content that provides valuable information for website visitors may lead to higher levels of user engagement and substantially increase online sales.

So, rather than using terms that a reader will need to research to understand, content creators are advised to employ a conversational tone.

In some industries, it is rather easy to explain and to share information.

For instance, many writers in the fashion industry, sports or the entertainment industry have very few reasons to use overly technical terms to impress website visitors, blog readers or social media followers.

Generally, a basic overview of certain topics can keep website visitors engaged online.    

However, in other industries, many readers are confused by content that appears on websites for certain services, such as personal finance (mortgage loans, insurance, investments, auto financing, taxes, banking) law, education, health, dentistry and a variety of home contractors (plumbers, HVAC, professional cleaners, electricians).

Simplifying website content into information that is easy to consume is the best way to increase engagement with online shoppers.

We help local business owners dispense healthy chunks of content that website visitors enjoy. It’s the best way to ensure that website visitors are eager to return to review and to share valuable content.

3) Add Call-to-Action Copy to Increase Online Sales

On a sales floor, it is common knowledge that asking for the sale increases the probability of closing the deal.

Online, it is more important to ask for the sale. Because, in-person sales are largely closed on the buyer’s emotional state.

When shopping online, buyers typically visit several websites to gather information about a specific product or a service.  

Solving a problem or providing information that helps website visitors is the fastest way to increase online sales. 

Call-to-action copy subtly guides website visitors toward a phone number, a contact form, a lead magnet or another item to obtain an immediate response.

Content writing that simply adds a “buy now” button to solicit a purchase will rarely work.

However, when compelling forms of content align with information that users are searching for online, business owners will realize increased engagement with website visitors.


4) Post Consistent Types of Content Toward a Targeted Audience

Companies that operate within a particular niche are encouraged to post content that relates to specific products or services.

Deviating away from the types of content that attracted readers to a website can lead to lower levels of trust and poor user experiences.  

When a user performs a Google search with specific keywords or a phrase, it’s imperative to ensure the information that a user is seeking is present on the specific results page where the user is directed.

Keep in mind, the majority of all web pages that don’t contain keywords or search phrases will not appear within favorable search engine rankings, anyway.   

Search engine optimization experts refer to a term that is known as Latent Semantic Indexing or LSI.

The process is a mathematical analysis of similar terms that relate to the main keywords on a website.

The targeted audience for a mortgage broker might occasionally search for the term “private money” versus “mortgage lender” “home loans” or local mortgage broker.”

Entrepreneurs who consistently add valuable content that readers are searching for can expect to build an audience that regularly consumes and shares specific information. 

Additionally, the enhanced engagement should help increase online sales for small and mid-sized businesses.

5) Refresh Stale Web Pages With Search Engine Optimized Content for Mobile Users

It is important to create content that is easy to scan for users who are constantly on the go.

Mobile marketing in 2023 requires companies to provide concise details for users who want a quick overview of specific products and services.

Therefore, the creation of blog posts and web page content with more than 2,000 words is likely to become a practice from the past for marketers who aim to increase online sales via mobile users. 

Marketers and small business owners should know that Google largely frowns on websites that display stale, duplicated, irrelevant and thin forms of content.

Conversely, the search engine giant periodically rewards websites (via higher search positions) that are frequently adding high-quality content for web-based users to discover.

Aside from paid advertising, content that is search engine optimized is the easiest to find online. It is important to remember that mobile users have surpassed the amount of daily desktop users.

Therefore, it pays for nearly every type of business to get found online via mobile search engine results.

Among the best ways to get found in mobile search is to hire an experienced content writer or an SEO copywriter who knows how to increase website traffic for local businesses.

Mobile Copywriter helps local business owners obtain more Internet leads from website visitors who are searching online for specific products and services.

The bulk of our clients are mortgage, insurance and legal professionals.

However, we also help a variety of contractors, entertainers and small business owners who want to build stronger relationships with local prospects.

Connect with Mobile Copywriter today for small business marketing success. 

Use the “Get Info” button below to contact us now for search engine optimized content that motivates website visitors to make an online purchase.

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Hire Website Content Writers to Generate Mortgage Leads

Mortgage Lead Generation

Updated 3/20/2025

Mortgage lead generation methods and digital marketing strategies are helping lending professionals earn more money online.

Although, companies with extensive promotional budgets are crushing many local mortgage brokers and mid-sized lending firms.

Mobile Copywriter levels the playing field with professional website content for mortgage lead generation.

Now, there is no reason to repeatedly lose business to larger competitors with deeper pockets.

Why Hire Content Writers for Lead Generation?

In the years ahead, mortgage companies that maintain frequent engagements with prospective borrowers will consistently close more business.

So, why should local brokers and lenders hire professional content writers?

Similar to the reasons that a first-time home buyer should seek representation from a licensed real estate expert versus pursuing for-sale-by-owner properties, a lending expert should want to hire the best copywriters to create content for mortgage lead generation.

Sure, it’s fairly second nature for lending professionals to interpret rate sheets and investor guidelines, however, it takes a different skill set to craft topics about financial content that will retain the attention of website visitors.

Having just a few precious seconds to engage with readers who are searching for a loan to buy or to refinance a home, mortgage lenders can outsource their article writing services to professional copywriters who can eloquently guide readers toward a call-to-action.

Besides, hiring content writers or a professional copywriter will save lending specialists a ton of time.

Hire Copywriters for Mortgage Lead Generation With SEO Content

Search engine optimized website content increases the probability that a local mortgage company will get found online.

Since many of the results that appear on Google’s first page are already search engine optimized, it’s wise to hire the best SEO copywriters to create website content and to craft informative blog posts.    

Who doesn’t want to rank at the top of Google’s search engine results page?

Companies are scrambling to maintain their search engine rankings that generate hundreds of free mortgage Internet leads.

We specialize in creating professional mortgage content that increases visibility online for local brokers and lenders who are aiming to rank on the first page of Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Cost for SEO Copywriting Services

SEO content for mortgage companies is very cost effective.

Our annual costs to create search engine optimized website copy is typically recouped with just one or two closed loans.

When compared to the costs for pay-per-click leads, search engine marketing, online advertising and direct mail campaigns, hiring SEO copywriting experts is a much better value.

In addition to gaining top search engine rankings for small businesses, a stronger level of engagement is achieved when website visitors are sticking around to consume more content.

The amount of time that the average reader spends on a website is a factor that Google uses toward its ranking factors.

For instance, a website where visitors are typically hitting the back button or clicking away within eight seconds will not fare well in Google’s search engine ranking.

While a website that maintains a reader’s attention for 30 seconds to several minutes or more will usually gain higher page ranks than inferior sites.

While no one outside of the Silicon Valley headquarters knows the precise reason that Google will improve or demote a website’s ranking.

It’s reasonable to expect that the search engine giant will prominently display results that provide valuable and enjoyable content for other users.

Therefore, beyond the relatively low cost for SEO copywriting, it’s very wise to hire the best SEO copywriters for mortgage professionals.           

Sales managers and company executives should know that a mortgage website that does not appear on Google’s first page of local search results for valuable keywords and long-tail keyword phrases are losing business to nearby competitors.

There’s usually enough business for most mortgage companies to find a way to survive.

However, when a prospective borrower clicks onto a lender’s website that shows up on the first page of Google, mortgage lead generation opportunities increase.

Whereas, opportunities are lost for brokers and lenders with website rankings that appear beyond page one of the world’s most popular search engine.

In most areas of United States, thousands of local searches are performed everyday for mortgage related terms.

Companies that excel at mortgage marketing will be poised to connect with more website users who are searching for a home loan.    

Order Content Writing Services for Mortgage Lead Generation

A healthy supply of mortgage leads can result in more closed loans.

Loan officers who are consistently closing deals will be happier about showing up for work.

When a lending team is fired up about reaching certain monthly goals, a mortgage company might realize stronger profits.

Our system is designed to get fresh mortgage Internet leads via organic marketing strategies versus live transfer leads or other costly mortgage lead generation methods.

Companies that are driven to engage in mortgage marketing that achieves more brand awareness and online inquiries will be able to close more loans.

Deciding to order content writing services for mortgage lead generation is the first step toward success.

Next, it’s wise to set a monthly mortgage marketing budget that encompasses original content creation, search engine optimization and social media promotion.  

Mortgage companies with a robust marketing strategy can obtain a health amount of local Internet leads.

Hiring cheap article writing services to create website content rarely produces top search engine rankings.

When low-quality content writers fail to produce engaging content that results in more online leads, mortgage marketing managers will usually opt for pay-per-click ads that appear at the top of the search engines.

Hiring affordable SEO Copywriters to create persuasive content that compels readers to inquire about financing to buy or to refinance a home is a cost-effective way to grow a local mortgage company.

We use search-engine friendly methods to help mortgage websites and small businesses get found online.

When a prospective borrower is performing a web-based search to find a mortgage loan, competitive brokers and lenders will want to receive the call.

Contact Mobile Copywriter to generate purchase money leads with search engine optimized content that sells.

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3 Top Mobile Content Marketing Ideas for Small Business Owners – Post #442

Mobile Content Marketing

Updated 3/12/2019

Attracting new customers on a consistent basis is very important for small businesses. With several robust promotional methods, clever entrepreneurs can generate a ton of local Internet leads. Mobile Copywriter helps small business owners increase website traffic with top mobile content marketing ideas.

Create Concise Mobile Content Marketing Messages

A precise amount of content is needed for attention-grabbing moments to motivate a website visitor to take action. Mobile users who are constantly on the move are usually going to skim through website content to locate interesting information.

Websites with unsightly fonts, questionable graphics and walls of text are largely unappealing to mobile users. With the creation of concise content, we are able to retain the attention of mobile users for longer than average time frames.

In the mobile marketing arena, time is everything, and every second counts. Our mobile content marketing messages are concise and easy for web-based users to understand. Using informative content that does not contain a lot of fluff is the path to stronger user engagements.   

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Use WordPress for a Reliable Mobile Content Marketing Platform

Having a mobile website is essential for small-to-medium-sized businesses. Managing a mobile website for small businesses is a lot easier with WordPress. As a premier mobile content marketing service, we highly recommend WordPress websites for small business owners.

Website updates are easy to perform using WordPress. For small businesses that are interested in our mobile content marketing program, we offer affordable WordPress design and hosting services.

Apply Mobile Mortgage Content Writing Strategies

Writing content for a mortgage website can attract mobile visitors. Our digital marketing strategies are used nationwide to help mortgage companies and other financial firms compete against industry giants who dominate local markets.

Using highly-researched keywords and professional content creation methods, we help mortgage brokers and lenders crush monthly, quarterly and annual origination goals.

How do we increase brand awareness for mortgage companies and for insurance firms?

We apply mobile mortgage content writing strategies that encourage borrowers to contact our clients for a home loan.

With search engine optimized mortgage content writing, our clients become more visible online. It is important for a mortgage website to get found online via Google.

Increased website traffic from targeted prospects can result in more Internet leads and more closed loans. Our copywriting services are recognized among the best marketing agencies for mortgage companies.

Hire SEO Copywriters for Mobile Content Marketing Strategies

Competing with other local business owners to attract more website traffic will require a significant amount of search engine optimization experience. Hiring SEO copywriters to form solid mobile content marketing strategies could enable a small business to increase website traffic, generate targeted leads and to convert more online sales. Take action today to get found online in local search engine results. We are experts at improving online visibility for small business websites. 

Contact Mobile Copywriter to order professional article writing services online.

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SEO Content Writing Services to Dramatically Increase Website Traffic – Post #438

SEO Content Writing


Substantial improvements in website traffic could lead to more online sales for a local business. However, organic search engine rankings are needed to get found online. Small business owners can contact Mobile Copywriter about SEO content writing services to dramatically increase website traffic.

What is SEO Content Writing Going to Achieve?

Millions of blogs and websites are launched each day. A small business will need to standout from local competitors. Search engine optimized content writing is designed to improve a website’s visibility online.

A company’s brand awareness can improve as prospective customers locate useful information online. SEO content writing can enable readers and search engines to quickly find results that are relevant to a web-based search.

SEO content might get shared online, get stored into a reader’s favorite references or obtain social media likes. Ideally, SEO content will get ranked on the first page of Google and other search engines. We provide content writing services that substantially increase website traffic for local business owners.

Hire SEO Content Writing Services for Keyword Research

SEO professionals are aware of the benefits of keyword research. Creating content with targeted keywords can dramatically increase website traffic for a mortgage business, travel agency, real estate firm, insurance company and other small businesses.

Instead of simply mentioning a keyword, an SEO content writing specialist can perform keyword research to locate the most desirable phrases for a specific niche. With engaging website content that seamlessly integrates popular keywords into blog posts, web page content, press releases, newsletters, social media posts and other items, a small business website could realize much more website traffic.

Hiring copywriters to perform SEO content writing services will ensure that a local business has high-quality website articles. Buy content writing services online from Internet marketing professionals who provide affordable rates.

Contact Mobile Copywriter to get found online and to generate more Internet leads.


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Generate Leads Online With Engaging Website Content – Post #436

Generate Leads Online


Finding ways to attract more online sales confuses a lot of marketers. Using engaging website content is a very practical way to connect with prospective buyers. However, it all starts with a reliable approach to generate leads online.

Learn How to Generate Leads Online

Beyond securing an occasional Internet lead, a small business owner can consistently generate leads online with engaging website content or via paid advertising. When readers obtain valuable information online, there is a good chance that the content might be shared or bookmarked for future references.

Learning how to generate leads online is similar to fishing. A business owner who masters the craft may be able to avoid starving conditions. Experienced fisherman also know where to look for schools of the most desirable fish.

A similar approach may be applied toward getting targeted Internet leads. Using various lead magnets, such as free ebooks, newsletters and product samples are great ways to draw inbound leads toward a small business website.

Time and experience helps a fisherman become more proficient. Using our daily tips offer ideal ways for entrepreneurs to learn how to generate leads online.

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Creating Engaging Website Content That Will Get Found Online

Why should a small business allocate a variety of resources to create content that no one reads? It happens more often that most people might imagine. Boring website content that fails to inform or to entertain readers should be rendered as useless information.

A small business owner can create content that solves a variety of problems for local customers. When proper content marketing strategies are performed, a business will have greater opportunities to get found online.

Mobile Copywriter provides helpful marketing support for small business owners who want to dominate their local competitors. To increase visibility so that a small business will get found online, we create web page content, engaging blog posts, social media posts and press releases.

Use the blue button below to get information about our online support services for small businesses.


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