Loan originators might be shocked to discover that a well-written blog increases mortgage sales. Lenders and brokers who provide valuable content for prospective borrowers are able to generate free mortgage leads. Mobile Copywriter provides search engine optimized content and marketing services to help financial professionals obtain inbound Internet leads.
Blogging for SEO Mortgage Leads
Annoying online ads occasionally prompt a user to click onto a link for certain details.
Think about your experiences, where pop-up ads or links appear. Some of the ads might be crafted in a manner that piques your curiosity, and results in clicks for more information.
However, when you entered specific words to find information that you were searching for, you might have selected one or more of the results that appeared on page one of the Google SERPs (search engine results page).
Blogging is one of the best ways to get SEO mortgage leads. When a user-initiated search is performed, high-quality content that is carefully marketed can appear at the top of Google’s search engine results.
If a home buyer searches for information about getting pre-qualified to purchase a home, results from your blog that rank well in Google might help you generate a new mortgage lead.
A loan officer with a fairly good closing ratio should be able to convert local leads from a mortgage blog that generates consistent profits.
Although, most blogs will never make it to the first page of Google.
When searching for any phrase that relates to mortgage Internet leads, only a few blogs will appear on page one of Google.
While millions of search results are ranked for competitive keywords, Google will only list its ranking of the 10 most relevant pages for the search query.
An engaging blog increases mortgage sales and opportunities for more referrals.
Online Marketing With a Mortgage Blog
A weekly mortgage blog provides an opportunity for brokers and lenders to share helpful tips with readers.
Also, great for loan originators, a mortgage blog is the perfect digital marketing platform to build credibility, authority and trust with local borrowers.
Blogs that become a valuable resource for prospective home buyers might be shared with other borrowers or bookmarked for future visits.
Ideally, a mortgage blog will include a lead capture form that encourages borrowers to get pre-approved for a home loan or to seek help for specific questions.
Blog Increases Mortgage Sales and Website Traffic
As your blog becomes more visible in the search engines for competitive lending terms, you should receive more website traffic from borrowers who are actively searching for mortgage loans.
The easiest deals to close usually stem from people who need to obtain a mortgage loan to buy a house,
Companies with the top Google search engine results in your area for mortgage loans are likely to get inquiries from local borrowers.
Therefore, correctly using your blog to generate free mortgage leads in your area could enable you to dominate your local market.
As the best mortgage article writing service in the USA, Mobile Copywriter offers SEO services and content marketing support to help local websites get found online.
Contact us today about mortgage marketing strategies to grow your sales volume.
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